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Epoxy Flooring is new must have design feature!

Epoxy Flooring is new must have design feature!

Epoxy Flooring is new must have design feature! Epoxy flooring is becoming the new cool design choice for designers, architects, builders and the like. The “new polished concrete” if you will. More and more top designers are choosing Epoxy Flooring to achieve the most...
Epoxy Flooring – Why you should use a professional!

Epoxy Flooring – Why you should use a professional!

Epoxy Flooring – Why you should use a professional! Epoxy flooring has become very popular choice of flooring recently. So much so that there are many people giving it go themselves on their own garage floors. Especially in the Queensland (& Sunshine Coast) region...
Wow! Check out our Reviews! Amazing!

Wow! Check out our Reviews! Amazing!

Wow! Check out our Reviews! Amazing! We couldn’t be more happy with the reviews our customers are giving us! Thanks so much guys! If the best way of getting an idea of a company is reviews then we’ve surely hit the jackpot here! THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU...